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英雄總部開放日 hEROES HQ Open House - Hornier Wongs

英雄總部開放日 hEROES HQ Open House - Hornier Wongs


各位啤酒迷對hEROES同少爺合釀嘅Dom Houblon®系列應該一啲都唔陌生。但係你又知唔知黃師傅第一次同少爺合釀係幾時?




話說當年係黃師傅結婚嘅大喜日子,少爺同佢地喺鴨脷洲酒廠釀製釀咗一隻洛神花蜂蜜Saison "Horny Wongs"。Horny Wongs酒精唔低但非常易入口,令參加婚宴嘅親友都盡興而歸。


今個月英雄總部開放日,適逢黃師傅同黃師母結婚9週年(正日!),於是佢哋兩個自己落手落腳為Horny Wongs釀製一個更強更horny嘅新版本:


Dry Hopped Saison with Honey & Roselle
ABV: 6.9%
IBU: 15




We know you all are very familiar with Dom Houblon®, the collaboration series between Young Master and hEROES, but do you know when Chris brewed with Young Master for the first time?  


The answer is 9 years ago.


Back then Young Master was kind enough to brew Chris and Jacqueline's wedding beer "Horny Wongs" at the Ap Lei Chau facility.  This beer was a rich saison, brewed with roselle and local honey.  It was golden in color with a slight reddish hue from the roselle making it appear copper. It’s deceptively easy to drink and a lot of guests missed their work the next day after the massive party.


Fast forward 9 years later, we'll be celebrating Chris and Jacq's 9th wedding anniversary at this month's HQ Open House. For this special day, they've brewed a more intense and "hornier" version of this classic celebration ale!


Dry Hopped Saison with Honey & Roselle
ABV: 6.9%
IBU: 15


Come celebrate with the Wongs and taste this classic remake! 


三月開放日時間 March HQ Open House:
日期Date: 15 Mar 2024 (Fri)
時間Time: 7-10pm

英雄總部開放日 hEROES HQ Open House - Hornier Wongs

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